Sixth prolotherapy session and still feeling the burn

November 14, 2009

Four days ago I had my sixth prolotherapy session. If you aren’t familiar with this procedure, check out this website:

Although many people think that prolotherapy is a scam, I can’t help but believe in it. I’m a research biochemist by profession, and I can’t help but to believe the evidence in favor of prolotherapy’s efficacy. Before I started the shots, I could barely walk, and sitting down was torture. Even lying on the couch seemed like a nightmare sometimes. But after a few prolotherapy sessions (~3), I started going on mini-hikes and could finally take a 15-20 minute ride in a car painfree. Now I do basically everything that I did before my SI joint injury, except of course, run!

That said, prolotherapy hurts! There is no question about it. The MD places about 10 shots of sugar solution into your damaged joint. This makes the body “think” the joint is injured and thus initiates the repair process. Studies show that collagen in the joints grows back quicker with the procedure than without. But that it doesn’t matter what you inject in the joint, just a salt solution will do it, too. Fine by me – whatever works!

So the shots hurt, but the aftermath is worse. By design, the joint becomes inflamed. Anyone with sore joints knows that inflammation means pain – burning, aching pain. The only solace is that now the inflammation is beneficial, sweeping in to repair the collagen and strengthen the joint. Come on immune system, let’s put this back injury “behind” us!

Hello world!

November 14, 2009

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